$784,000.00 Death Case Vs. Major Hospital
$784,000.00 Death Case Vs. Major Hospital
Defendant denied claim and initial offer of $20K prior to our representation. After having lengthy conversations with our client and gathering all pertaining information regarding the death of spouse we were able to gather enough evidence to rebut defendant's denial. Montoya Law, APC, filed for hearing on the evidence gathered with intentions to proceed to trial. Defendant after reviewing overwhelming evidence to support that death (COVID) was work related began negotiations with an offer of $200K. Applicant after advise from our office did not give in and steadfast on our initial demand of $784K. Eventually we settled for our demand. Although we can NEVER substitute the death of a loved one at a minimum we were able to provide some financial peace of mind. Thank you to our client and her daughter for trusting us with this delicate case.
Practice area(s): Workers Compensation
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